Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th Pre-Show

So today, I went over to my aunt’s house so that we could take her camper over to the lake and watch the fireworks. For the first half of the evening we helped her moving and rearranging around her camper and then we had our big BBQ outside before the fireworks started. We had cheeseburgers, hot dogs, brownies, chips, corn, potatoes and watermelon. My mom brought our dachshunds and they went apeshit as usual but it’s a cross that we have to bear; all they did was bark and piss and bark and piss and then they would start barking at some random person, get confused and then start barking at me… wiener dogs.

When the fireworks started, it was amazing!!!! They were bright and colorful and loud and so eye pleasing. The show lasted 35 minutes and there were points where the explosions were so loud, car alarms started going off… but it was worth it. By the end of the night, I was happy and even more so when I stalked to NinjaBunny89.

Later on today, I’m going to visit a friend in Chicago where we would be going to the Taste of Chicago, walk around the city and then catch the Navy Pier fireworks. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!

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